This Web Wonder is one the the most disturbing, and hilarious things I've seen. It made me want to both laugh, and cry at the same time. These people have taken a childhood favorite of mine "Sonic" and turned him into something I can never look at with a straight (in both ways of the word) face again. However as a "glass is half full" kind of guy that I am, I've found a way to make this into a positive thing. From now on whenever I'm down, I'll look at this and thank the gods I am not them.
Ladies and Gents! Please direct your attention to the center ring for the freak show of the century! Brought to you by Dylan and danielo's WEB WONDERS!
Sonic Passion
To be a Wondrous Web Adventurer, one must prepare oneself to meet all manner of strange creature. But still, there are times no preparation can suffice...
Well said fellow Wondrous Web Adventurer, well said.
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