Sunday, November 18, 2007

Daft Punk

Like most of you I once thought polygamy was only for weirdos, and that it's only acceptable place was the TV show "Big Love". Now I see that is where I err. These two women have quite convinced me that polygamy is A-O-kay! I want to marry them both, and make the preform this live for me three times a day. I hope this will change your mind about polygamy as well.


Anonymous said...

Nice post. It's weirdly excellent. I wonder if under the boxes, their faces are pig faces, like in that old Twilight Zone episode.

Sophie said...

Even if they had pig faces... I'd still poke them.

Mikey Pullman said...

Not to shoot down the polygamy idea, but I would never marry two women that have shown such willingness and ability to work together as a team.

Sophie said...

Mikey, good point. I hadn't thought about that. They would probably team up against me and my home life would become a nightmare. Well point taken.
The lesson we've learned.. "Polygamy still is, and always will be dumb".