Sunday, January 6, 2008

What What (In The Butt)


Sophie said...

The gay community as a whole, should rise up against this idiot. He needs to be kicked out of the little pink mafia, for making them look bad.

Thank you danielo for bringing this wonder to light.

Mikey Pullman said...

Are you sure this isn't fake, Dylan?

Sophie said...

Yes, yes I am sure.

Anonymous said...

As a Christian queer-hater of many years, I object to this queer's use of the cross in this salacious piece of homo-ganda.
Also, for reasons no doubt tied to my religion somehow, I object to his blackness. You can be queer, you can be black, but you just can't be both.
I'm tellin ya, this fag makes me so mad I just want to ram my cock up his ass until he cries.

-Pat Robertson